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Stay Focused and Win: Timeless Wisdom from the Taurus New Moon 2022

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom

Taurus is the first EARTH sign of the zodiac representing stability, security and foundations. Taurus time of year is extraordinarily powerful for building our practical goals and manifesting tangible results from our dreams in the material world. The season reminds us that when we work hard and stay committed to our goals, we can achieve real and meaningful success

The Taurus new moon of 2022 is even more potent than usual. It arrives with a solar eclipse that boosts its effects. (And it is a rare second new moon within the same month, sometimes called a “Black Moon.”) The time is ideal for planning what you want to accomplish in your life and thinking about creating things to endure.


Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom

Dedication is your key to success.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

Whatever is most important to you IS your birthright. Taurus reminds us that we can have our heart’s desires and we are capable of creating what we most want, when we stay dedicated to putting in the sincere effort that is required. We are in the perfect time of year to work hard and reap the honest rewards.

“Focus on doing the right things instead of on a bunch of things.”

                                                                            ―  Mike Krieger

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon AstrologyNow, the TAURUS new moon brings us beautiful new energy, which can inspire feelings of determination, discipline and focus. Energetically and emotionally, it is the time of the month when our thoughts and feelings are most in harmony . . and this month is also about working on self-worth and values (BE SURE TO CHECK BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE THIS NEW MOON WILL MOST LIKELY AFFECT YOU PERSONALLY). Remember life becomes easier when we are living in alignment with these themes, which also allows us to more fully connect with both our deepest desires and our highest thoughts in harmony.

new moon taurus

Today you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be. What happens tomorrow is UP TO YOU.

Taurus Questions to ask yourself:

  • What practical steps can I take now to move closer to my dreams and goals?
  • How can I create more meaning and purpose in my daily life?
  • What can I master that will help me build a better world?
  • Who can encourage me even when I make a mistake?
  • What if any struggle was just a stepping stone to my greater mastery, skill and evolution?
  • What in my life could benefit from more attention and persistence from me now?

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” ― Peter F. Drucker

Focus on what you want and start working on it today

Taurus New Moon brings awareness of dedication, development, and mastery. The energy is strong, persisting, and solid. Taurus is all about steadiness, accomplishment and building things that last.Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom

Taurus rules study, mastery, and achievement. Be mindful and focused about your goals and desires, and take personal responsibility for your life and possibilities. The only person who can create your best life and follow your heart’s desires is YOU.

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” ― Stephen King

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology WisdomTaurus also rules our self esteem, which includes self worth, self acceptance and self approval. If you have been waiting for someone else’s permission to be accepted as your true self and live your dreams, do not waste another minute!

The time is right for you to claim your own power. The most important approval is the acceptance that comes from within. The time is right to identify your own highest hopes and goals worth working for and move forward in creating the life of your dreams.

The new moon brings us new energy and opportunities. Energetically and emotionally, it is the time of the month when our thoughts and feelings are most in harmony . . and this month is about working hard to achieve success. Life becomes easier when we are living in alignment with these themes, which also allows us to more fully connect our deepest desires and highest thoughts together.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”  ― Vincent Lombardi

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Wisdom


The strong TAURUS New Moon of 2022 arrives with a flurry of planetary activity!
Mindset, transformation and personal growth are featured:
First, messenger Mercury is collaborating with transformation-loving Pluto–both in practical-minded earth signs–which favors smart thinking about your goals and growth mindset in general. Then, powerhouse Pluto moves into retrograde, so your efforts to reflect on major life issues will be beneficial now and in the upcoming months (into October 2022). And beautiful Venus in poetic Pisces gets involved to soften as well as enhance Pluto’s effect and encourage meaningful transformation. Meanwhile Mercury recently entering the fast-thinking sign of Gemini will have lots of ideas coming fast in a strong boost this week before it also turns into the dreaded retrograde motion (think: review, revise, repair from May 10th – June 3rd). 
Love wins:
Just as the sun and moon unite for the new moon and solar eclipse, loving Venus also connects with generous Jupiter, both in compassionate Pisces. The mood encourages sensitivity as well as noble acts of kindness. Find a way to boost someone’s spirits and come together with others by sharing your higher minded thoughts, dreams, and hopeful feelings.
The Taurus moon gets boosted by active Mars also in caring Pisces, which further encourages thoughtful actions.
Surprises in store:
The Taurus moon also rubs up against change-maker Uranus in Taurus. Expect surprises and sudden changes with this connection. There may be some volatility in financial matters but mostly it looks to be a positive aspect that means that rewards are in store for those who have previously put in the hard work. So, if there’s something you’ve been dedicated to for awhile but it just hasn’t come together, this lunar conjunction may give you the boost you need to make traction now.

The bottom line: It is an excellent time to work hard and accomplish a great deal during this period. Those with lofty visions that benefit everyone will be blessed during this time.

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom

The new moon is exact with the Sun (at 10 degrees and 28 minutes Taurus) on Saturday, April 30, 2022 (4:28 pm Eastern Time & 1:28 pm Pacific Time).

The highest intensity of the new moon lasts roughly three days, starting at this exact day and time. Set your most important intentions during those three days, for the best outcomes. The results of clear intentions tend to occur within the thirty (30) day period beginning on the new moon date. However, the effects of the solar eclipse tend to last munch longer. Culmination of your big, long-term desires may take a year to get fully established.Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom

The new moon is our best opportunity to plant new seeds for what you want to cultivate in your life. Using the boost of the new moon position can further inspire us. In honor of the sign of Taurus, create something new, perhaps begin a new intention making ritual! Focus on your highest intentions, and put down on paper what you most want to come into being now . .

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Activities Wisdom

The Taurus bull stands for strength and tenacity.

The Best TAURUS MOON Activities

SET YOUR PRIORITIES. Review your budget. Write a personal mission statement. Call a friend to share business ideas. Consider and commit to fully live your life purpose. Work on your business plan. Start a long-term project. Try your hand at a little gardening. BE MORE FRUGAL AND USE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE. Be purposeful. Save money and be more selective in investments. Craft something practical and beautiful. Get some physical exercise to build strength and stamina. . Weight lifting, pilates, long walks and slow jogging appeal now. Follow accomplished people who inspire you. Write down your intentions! Practice feeling successful now. Demonstrate happy expectations.TACKLE A PERSONAL CHALLENGE.Offer mature advice to younger people who can benefit. Find a mentor you can trust. GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT FOR ALL YOU HAVE ACHIEVED ALREADY AND ALL YOU WILL ACHIEVE NOW. Indulge a bit after you have worked toward your goals. Pamper yourself with luxurious self care. Revisit a favorite and familiar past time. ENJOY COMFORT FOOD & TRADITIONAL RECIPES. Enjoy some root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, beets, and yams. Wear something conservative and comfy. Savor your sensual side. Watch a classic and romantic film. Add some crystals or stones to your home decor. Listen to traditional, classic and steady music.  Cultivate goodwill everywhere, including online. CAST A WEALTH OR MONEY LUCK SPELL FOR LONG-LASTING FINANCIAL SECURITY.

Taurus loves hands-on projects and creative endeavors, so build something beautiful! Your actions now have power. It is up to you to start putting your energy into your highest priorities and goals now. Here are some more ideas about Taurus-ruled themes, which are now starred:

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon

What to Wish for during the TAURUS NEW MOON

DEDICATION, determination, commitment, PERSISTENCE, studiousness, MASTERY, WORK, expertise, EXCELLENCE, thoroughness, building, SOLID FOUNDATIONS, reliability, security, safety, BOUNDARIES, patience, TRUSTWORTHINESS, strength, loyalty, steadfastness, STRONG VALUES, personal needs, dependability, SELF-ACCEPTANCE, money, WEALTH, material comforts, ACCUMULATION, construction, PROPERTY, ownership, POSSESSIONS, contentment, physical senses, touch, sensual pleasures, INDULGENCE, massage, aromas & tastes, REWARDS, food, luxuries, PAMPERING, beauty, ENJOYMENT OF LIFE, appreciation, appreciation, GRATITUDE, recognition, SATISFACTION, rapport with nature, GARDENING, self esteem, SELF WORTH, as well as health related to the fifth throat chakra of communication, speaking one’s truth, and in the physical body anything related to the neck, throat, thyroid, vocal cords and voice.

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

Napoleon Hill

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom**TAURUS ENERGY WARNING**: Beware of misapplied or overused Taurus energy, which can become harmful or undermining. Taurus is a solid and at times unyielding force. Be considerate, and stay aware of other people along the way, not just the tasks you want to get done.

It is best to avoid the shadow side of Taurus, which may show up as stubborn, unyielding, and rigid. Instead, be moderate, gentle and pace yourself in your work and goals. Pause to rest, replenish and refresh regularly and you will end up accomplishing much more in the long-run.

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Manifesting Vision AstrologyNew Moon Intentions and Vision Boards for Taurus

The new moon is your best opportunity to plant new seeds for what you want to cultivate and attract in your life. Using the boost of the new moon position can further inspire us. In honor of the sign of Taurus, do something purposeful and deliberate, like a mission statement or new vision board!

Focus on your highest intentions, and make sure to write down or even draw what you most want to come into being now as Taurus loves creativity, beauty, purpose and effort . .

The new moon is the ideal time to focus and set your purposeful intentions. Whether you write them in words or draw images of your ideas, using your own hand to put something down on paper can be quite powerful. Vision boards are another proven method for establishing what you want to come to fruition . . just cut out images that resonate with you and assemble them in your own personal collage . . . and even better if you incorporate some of your original photographs, handwriting, or drawings in the design!

Whatever method you use, try to craft your intentions as soon as you can right AFTER the new moon is exact. Ideally, you want to finish writing them within the first day or two of the new moon’s cycle.

Joy Strong Taurus New Moon Astrology Wisdom

How the Taurus New Moon Affects Each Sign

Each new moon has a different affect on each of us. Depending on your sun sign and rising sign, specific areas of your life can be activated. Look below for more ideas of what to focus on during this time:

ARIES: wealth, values, assets and self-worth

TAURUS: body appearance, overall outlook and personal attitude

GEMINI: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets

CANCER: friends, allies, groups, networks and BIG wishes

LEO: career, public image, honor and social status

VIRGO: wisdom, education, expansion, belief, travel and sport

LIBRA: shared power and assets, credit or debt, sexuality

SCORPIO: partners, business and legal matters

SAGITTARIUS: daily schedule, work, service, health and pets

CAPRICORN: creativity, romance, pleasure, leisure and children

AQUARIUS: home, family, security and property matters

PISCES: communications, writing, speaking, siblings and local travel

Joy Strong Wisdom new moon Taurus Aries astrology wisdomIt takes two weeks for the moon to grow from new to full, then another 14 days to decrease back to the next new moon. So, the lunar cycle is roughly 28 days. Waxing & waning cycles affect all water, including tides, and emotions.

“Humans like to consider everything as linear, when in reality everything is cyclic.” — Robert Black

The movement of the planets affects everything in life. Understanding the messages from those planetary positions offers great insight and knowledge. You do not need to study astrology to benefit from the wisdom . . .
Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you!

Please use the information contained within this writing to

  • affirm your inner knowing,

  • simplify your best choices,

  • clarify your thoughts and feelings,

  • calm overwhelm and excessive fear,

  • inspire new thoughts and perspectives, and

  • enrich your life experience.

The next full moon arrives in two weeks in the sign of ScorpioPlease sign up here for my newsletter to keep you informed of important dates to pay attention to for setting and achieving goals as well as creating your greatest heart’s desires!

Thank you for reading! Your thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information.

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