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Action, Opportunity, and Adventure: The Wisdom of the New Moon in SAGITTARIUS

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

The new moon arrives in the wise and dynamic sign of Sagittarius, bringing clarity to help us take purposeful action. This overall awareness favors a more hopeful and adventurous approach. The mood is more tolerant and aware, which is ideal for processing, resolving, and releasing old issues.

Sagittarius time of year has us focused on big aspirations, including how to restore our faith and belief. Relationships formed under this sign are often based on exploration and expansion. Sagittarius connections include those that provide educational and philosophical or spiritual wisdom, which may be more prevalent on our hearts and minds these days.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

Every mental act is composed of doubt and belief, but it is belief that is the positive, it is belief that sustains thought and holds the world together.”


Søren Kierkegaard

Let’s improve our understanding of this period in life, by first realizing that underneath it all, people need to have something positive to look forward to, especially when we have recently faced difficult challenges. Lately, the world has been contending with issues from health to politics and social justice on a new level of awareness. Through our exploration and dialogue of these matters, new solutions arise when we engage with faith, wisdom, and optimism.


Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomThe new moon in Sagittarius brings good luck and possibilities. This energy is adaptable, flexible, energizing, and active. Sagittarius stimulates us to think BIG, so that we can build enthusiasm and momentum, and while that may not seem as practical as other signs, the powerful themes now are imagination, vision, wonder, and faith that can inspire results.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”



HOPE, BELIEF, and the QUEST FOR TRUTH are on the mind of the collective.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomSagittarius inspires the hope that things can be better and the faith that the world can be a wonderful place. Thanks to the blessing of the new moon, when our thoughts and feelings are most naturally in sync, life automatically becomes a bit easier, and we find ourselves more confident about stepping up and taking action. The New Moon is the monthly planetary boost and the best opportunity to plant seeds for what you want to manifest.

We are also learning about foreign matters, not only within our community connections but also individually. It is through explorations of new approaches that we most grow and can find effective solutions. This can be a great time of year to try a new hobby, hands-on program or course, or join a group where you can meet new people and share interesting ideas.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living.” 


Anthony Douglas Williams


Be deliberate as you consider what you wish for, and be ready to FOLLOW THROUGH WITH PURPOSEFUL ACTION to actually achieve your goals and improve your future luck. The Sagittarius shadow can also stimulate unrealistic thinking or pie-in-the-sky fantasies. So, remember to practice discerning which ideas are most beneficial and make a plan to commit to moving ahead with the best ones.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”


George Bernard Shaw


This month is an ideal time for finding solutions. Take a step back from your troubles and look for a new perspective. Remember time, space, and distance can make what seems overwhelming become manageable.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.”


Corrie ten Boom

At its best, Sagittarius is about finding healthy ways to explore the world and our role in it. How we handle the responsibility, that is inherent in our freedoms and opportunities, will reveal who we are. The time is ideal to expand our horizons, both literally and symbolically, so we can increase our strength, wisdom, power, faith, joy, and success. 

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”


Paulo Coelho

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

The SAGITTARIUS new moon can enhance our efforts toward self development, self exploration, and even self actualization. This time of year is excellent for SELF AWARENESS and PERSONAL EXPANSION. (Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find out where this new moon will most likely affect YOU). Remember life becomes easier when we respect these themes, which also allows us to more fully connect with our deepest desires AND highest thoughts.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“The intelligent come to know the world.  The wise come to know themselves.” 


James Pierce

What is it that you most want to find in your life? Your intention making energy is always powerfully increased during the new moon phase and it is a great time to envision all you want to become and bring into your life. Whatever your heart desires can most easily come to life now.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

SAGITTARIUS questions to ask:

  • What can I do to be more optimistic?
  • Where can I inspire more confidence?
  • How can I be a better role model?

  • How can I bring more faith and positivity to my daily life?

  • How can I stop living in the clouds and start actualizing my hopes and dreams?

  • What can I do to improve any unrealistic approaches or naive viewpoints that I may have?

Think about what you want most and start working on it!

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomThe moon in Sagittarius connects with the Sun to bring us renewed energy and enthusiasm for creating what we wish. This new energy can bring courage and wisdom toward realizing your dreams. Prioritize working toward whatever brings you true fulfillment, especially those goals that promote your highest values and ideals.

Sagittarius reminds us to maintain an attitude of openness, flexibility, and curiosity. Symbolized by the ARCHER, it stands for a mindful, deliberate, and skilled person who is focused intently on what she wants. Remember as you direct greater focus to your goals, you are also increasing your overall chance for success AND the likelihood that you will attain greater things . . . but sometimes you may have to pull back a bit and really SEE YOUR TARGET in order to get further ahead.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.”


Hermann Hesse

Joy Strong Scorpio New Moon Astrology WisdomThe solar eclipse represents a luckier and more powerful new moon and this one brings additional cosmic blessings . . .

The intuitive Moon joins the consciously aware Sun in Sagittarius to set our attention on moving forward now. But first, the Moon forms a challenging square with daydreaming Neptune, to provoke conflict between our practical ideas and our wildest dreams. The bottom line: You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone but it is up to you to find the common denominator between your hopes and goals, and then direct your energy to taking the next positive steps on your journey.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomKeep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

Gail Devers

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomWhatever we are able to vividly envision and bravely start doing within this period can powerfully come into being. So, stay enthusiastic and open to the possibility of something amazing happening in your life. This is a miraculous time of year for happy events as well as spiritual epiphanies, if you will just BELIEVE and BEGIN.

Meanwhile, mental Mercury supports the moon. The result can be a boost to your ideas, intellectual capacity, and overall mindset. Make best use of this energy by spending some time writing, brainstorming, and communicating your ideas to those who can help you achieve your goals. 

And you can expect increased strength and confidence. Thanks to a beneficial trine between the moon and go-getter Mars in bold Aries. Your initiative is starred now.

Even better, you will find that your desires and opportunities tend to coincide favorably during this season. Lovely Venus in mysterious Scorpio will encourage blessings from lucky Jupiter, still in ambitious Capricorn. And Mercury in trine to action-oriented Mars means you are more likely to sense, see, and seize your best choices right now!

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

True faith is not a leap into the dark; it’s a leap into the light.”


Eric Metaxas

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomBest Activities for SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON

Light some purple or white candles. Read a story about adventure. GIVE A COMPLIMENT. Find a hidden path. Take a walk outdoors. Send a thank you note to someone who inspired you. Join a new group or club. Study something new. Give attention to pets or plants. SING OR DANCE TO UPBEAT MUSIC. Venture beyond your usual path. GO HORSEBACK RIDING,  BACKPACKING, OR HIKING WITH YOUR DOG. Watch animal planet or another nature show. Rediscover photography. Write a witty meme. Do some annual planning and envisioning for what you want in the next year. Try some balancing yoga postures like warrior and dancer positions. HAVE SOME DANDELION OR OTHER DETOXIFYING TEA. Try Mediterranean cuisine. Make some grilled vegetables or a new salad combination. TRY A RECIPE WITH SALMON, ENDIVE, SAGE, NUTMEG,OR FIG. Start a new fitness routine. Watch a documentary or action movie. Take a class. EXERCISE. Shop for athletic supplies and travel items. Buy some new essential oils, such as sage, neroli, jasmine, lavender, frankincense, chamomile and bergamot. Listen to spiritual music. Make a powerful new VISION BOARD. Begin a new ritual or routine with hopefulness. PRAY. Conspire to show more kindness. CAST A LUCKY SPELL FOR ADVENTURE AND HAPPINESS. WISH FOR JOY AND WISDOM.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomThe amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act.”

Barbara Sher

What You Want to Wish For Now

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomAnything related to these SAGITTARIUS THEMES is considered especially favorable now:

SPONTANEITY, exploration, ADVENTURE, foreign travel, positive expectations, FREEDOM, peace of mind, SPORTS, athletic goals, connection to the natural world, NATURE, INTUITION, the quest for truth, religion, PRAYER, higher guidance, spiritual appreciation, good luck, OPTIMISM, FAITH, friendliness, STRAIGHT FORWARD COMMUNICATION, honesty, frankness, conscientiousness, HIGHER MINDEDNESS, morality, ETHICS, legal matters, LAWSUITS, gallantry, generosity, MENTORS, higher education, PHILOSOPHY, learning, FOCUS, study, seeking answers, FINDING SOLUTIONS, universities and colleges, education, and in the physical body: the hips, thighs, and liver.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomChange is the end result of all true learning.”


Leo Buscaglia

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom


Beware of misapplied or overused Sagittarius energy, which can become negative. Avoid the shadow side, which may show up as being self-righteous, bossy, or condescending. Stay open to and respectful of other people’s knowledge and contributions, and be careful not to be insensitive or too blunt in your communication.

While it is important to be willing to take a stand and work toward a better world, make sure your ideas are practical and possible.
 Be sure to avoid
Sagittarius’ weaknesses of carelessness or naivety, which shows up as taking ineffective shortcuts or being unrealistic and foolish about goals.
Cultivate care, patience, and balance instead.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomFaith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”



Martin Luther King Jr.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomLIFE IS BETTER WITH OPTIMISM AND FAITH.

Sagittarius Moon provides new motivation to raise your personal standards. Whether you want to develop more effective leadership skills, find a mentor, or become a better role model for others, there is no better time to begin. Take action NOW.

If you are unsure which direction to take, or you just need a boost to your clarity and confidence, this is also an exceptional time for personal exploration and education. Think about a coaching consultation to guide you. You are invited to start here: understanding your sacred soul purpose.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomIn the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.”


John Lilly

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

New Moon Intentions and Vision Boards for SAGITTARIUS

The new moon is your best opportunity to plant new seeds for what you want to cultivate and attract in your life. Use the energy boost of the new moon within the first few days of the new moon cycle for maximum effectiveness. In honor of the sign of SAGITTARIUS, take independent action that represents moving toward creating your dreams, like making a new vision board with photos you have taken! Focus on your highest intentions, and make sure to use words and even images to illustrate what you most want to come into being in your life.

The new moon is the ideal time to focus and set your purposeful intentions. Whether you write them in words, use photos, or draw images of your ideas, creating something original and personal to you is what makes it powerful. Vision boards are another proven method for establishing what you want to come to fruition and are used by many famous and highly successful people, like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Beyonce, Tiffany Haddish and more. 

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomNEW MOON ALERT:

Whatever method you use, try to craft your intentions as soon as you can right AFTER the new moon is exact. Ideally, you want to finish writing them within the first day or two. In the USA, this year’s SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON is exact Monday, December 14th at 8:17am Pacific, and at 11:17am Eastern Time.


Joy Strong Sacred Purpose Astrology WisdomHere’s the thing about luck…you don’t know if it’s good or bad until you have some perspective.”



Alice Hoffman


Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

How the SAGITTARIUS New Moon Affects Your Sign

Each new moon has a different affect on each of us. Depending on your sun sign and rising sign, specific areas of your life can be activated. Look below for what to focus on during this time:

ARIES: wisdom, education, belief, travel, sport & luck

TAURUS: shared power and assets, credit or debt, sexuality

GEMINI: partners, business and legal matters

CANCER: daily schedule, work, service, health and pets

LEO: creativity, romance, pleasure & leisure

VIRGO: home, family, security and property matters

LIBRA: communications, siblings and local travel

SCORPIO: wealth, values, assets and self-worth

SAGITTARIUS: body appearance, attitude & outlook

CAPRICORN: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets

AQUARIUS: friends, allies, groups, networks and BIG wishes

PISCES: career, public image, honor and social status

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomMOON CYCLE:

It takes two weeks for the moon to grow from new to full, then another 14 days to decrease back to the next new moon. So, the lunar cycle is a perfect 28 days. Waxing & waning cycles affect all water, including tides, and emotions.

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom


Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” 



Sonia Ricotti

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology WisdomRetrograde (Rx) Report
The key retrogrades in December are Uranus and asteroid Chiron. Retrogrades mean a look back over what had already occurred before, and they encourage us to revisit, reflect, revise and repair matters in those areas that the planet rules. Whatever has happened recently is coming up for review and clarification in our lives, so if it went by too fast the first-time, don’t worry, you can watch the planetary replay soon, so-to-speak!

Certain activities are ill-advised, depending on the nature of the retrograde. Your own individual chart will also play an important role (and this is a great time to find out about any retrograde challenges and advantages within your own natal chart!) Here is the overview, so you can consider how these retrogrades may be affecting you now and in the upcoming weeks and months:

  • Chiron Rx (continues through mid-December) changes healing,
  • Uranus Rx (continues into 2021) brings our attention to all the shake ups and surprises we have endured especially from the end of April thru August (and more may come in 2021, but for now there is a kind of reprieve of sorts). Uranus is a slow moving planet that affects whole generations. It also affects your personal mind-body-spirit well-being and how you integrate change in your life. The Uranus retrograde is considered an exceptional time to look at your spiritual development.

Welcome to new and regular readers! The planetary positions offer insight and knowledge. You do not need to study astrology to benefit from the wisdom.

Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you. Please use the information contained in this writing to affirm your inner knowing, simplify your best choices, clarify your thoughts & feelings, and enrich your life experience. For more information, click here:

Joy Strong Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”


Nelson Mandela

Thank you for reading! Your thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information.

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