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Thinking about Balance and Compromise: The Wisdom of the New Moon in LIBRA 2020

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

We are living in challenging times. How do you find peace and balance when opinions and conflicts loom large? The best answers are not simplistic, one-size-fits-all strategies, but rather are those successful solutions customized for you that originate from timeless wisdom. 

The new moon arrives in the poised and graceful sign of Libra, which brings new clarity to help us improve harmony and diplomacy and overcome difficulty in our world now. The overall awareness favors a more elegant, peaceful, and conciliatory demeanor. It is a time for applying ourselves toward our highest goals of happier social interactions and leaping above the fray of negativity, destruction, and harm.

Libra time of year has us thinking not only about our own wants and needs, but also the desires of others, who are somehow associated with us. Partners, partnerships and every type of relationship from friends to marriage to coworkers to community groups are included! Even national and global connections are on our hearts and minds, when we realize we are all interconnected somehow.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’”

C.S. Lewis

Let’s improve our experience of this time in life, by first realizing that underneath it all, people universally share a need to connect with other human beings, regardless of how socially skilled we may be. Lately, the discrepancies between us have become more obvious and so, we experience contrast, conflict, and disconnect. If you have been feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, sad, mad, misunderstood, tired, confused, hurt, frustrated, outraged, or otherwise conflicted in any way, realize you are not at all alone.

We are in the midst of a human growth period, complete with pains and scars forming, and We will heal.

The new moon in Libra brings a burst of fresh energy and much needed renewal. This energy strives to be diplomatic, graceful and clear. Libra sets the tone on prioritizing harmony and agreement, and while that may not feel as forceful as other signs might come across, the universal powers of discernment, cooperation, negotiation, and compromise are stronger than ever now.

Politics, Partnerships, Relationships, Peace & Diplomacy are on the mind of the collective . . .

Libra brings the much needed gifts of grace & ease, which can increase under the blessing of the new moon, when our thoughts and feelings are most naturally in sync. Things are automatically easier when we are living in alignment with what is bigger than ourselves. The New Moon is the positive, monthly energetic boost and our best opportunity to plant new seeds for whatever you wish to bring into the world.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.”

Marcus Aurelius

We are collectively navigating right relationships, not only in personal situations but also in terms of public and political arenas now. When you feel disconnected, seek like-minded support. This can be a great time of year to get involved in causes and groups that speak to you as long as you stay mindful of choosing affiliations that help you be your best self.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.”


Miles Franklin

Be discerning as you evaluate what you hear and measure it against core values like fairness, justice and peace. Remember, not everything you hear will be correct for you. It is okay to take your time, try different approaches, and listen to many views before committing to what is most right for you personally.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” 

Amy Poehler

This month is an ideal time for focusing on and healing our relationships in the world. Think about what qualities you most want in your partnerships and affiliations and strive to cultivate those attributes in yourself, first. Be patient and gentle with yourself as well as with those around you and encourage positive growth and improvements.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person.”


Gloria Steinem

Libra energy is all about peace, harmony and beauty especially related to creating harmonious environments with others. Whether personally or professionally, how we present ourselves affects and influences those around us. This is an ideal time of year to take steps to improve our tone so that we may actually be more in alignment with what we value.

It is also helpful to remember that people, as well as relationships themselves, are dynamic. We must change and evolve to be healthy and thrive. Everything does not stay the same or we would never improve and progress.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.”


Joyce Meyer

When it comes to dialogue and negotiations, the best results usually come over time with patience, dedication and focus. When you experience conflict or disappointment, let it be only a small pause instead of a major setback by remembering it is all part of the human experience. Mindful pausing and simply BREATHING can help you to harness your own peace-making and conflict resolution skills, including some talents you may not have even realized you had before.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”


Leo Buscaglia

The LIBRA new moon brings us a boost of fresh energy, which can stimulate clarity about our partnerships and how to better cooperate with everyone. This time of year is about focusing on TACT, BALANCE, JUSTICE and FAIRNESS. (Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find out where this new moon will most likely affect YOU). Remember life becomes easier when we respect these themes, which also allows us to more fully connect with both our deepest desires AND our highest thoughts.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom


“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”


Helen Keller

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

What is it that you most want to cultivate in your life? Your intention making energy is powerfully increased and enhanced during the new moon phase and it is the ideal time to envision all you want to bring into your life. Whatever your heart desires can come into being most easily now.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

LIBRA questions to ask:

  • What can I do to be more decisive and clear?
  • Where can I demonstrate more poise and elegance in how I come across?
  • How can I be a better team player?

  • How can I best use leadership, diplomacy, and negotiation in my daily life?

  • What can I do to improve any tendency toward codependency behaviors?

  • How can I stop aimless debate and unhelpful confrontations?

Think about what you want most and start working on it today.

Joy Strong Wisdom Libra New Moon AstrologyThe moon in Libra brings renewed energy for beautifying ourselves and our world. This new energy can bring leadership and influence when needed. Prioritize working toward whatever brings you fulfillment, especially goals that might benefit your relationships.

Libra reminds us to be patient, kind and thoughtful. Symbolized by the scales of justice, it stands for balance and considering more than one view as you weigh your options and find the most moderate and effective approaches. Remember as you contemplate more diplomacy, you are also setting the example for others to do the same.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”


Henry Ford

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomLike most of 2020, this NEW MOON arrives with challenges . . .

The three powerhouse planets of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, which are all in directive earth sign Capricorn, create tension for the nonconfrontational Libra energy. You might not want anyone to push you, but remember that applying yourself consistently to your goals is the key to your ultimate success. Be sure to also consider new ideas and refine your strategies as needed, in order to maximize your luck, improve your opportunities for transformation, and also to best reap the rewards for your hard work during this period.

The planetary details you need to know:

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

The intuitive Moon joins the consciously aware Sun in Libra to set the collective agenda on relationships, justice and peace. But first, the Moon has an awkward run-in with spaced out Neptune, who may prefer to get lost in craziness instead of clear thinking. The bottom line: Redirect your focus back to what you want to accomplish, stick with practical plans, and stop feeding any gossip or fear-based delusions about other people that are not based in reality.

Whatever we are working hard to achieve can come to fruition over the next few weeks when we maintain our focus even in the face of snafus or delays. So stay dedicated while avoiding self-sabotaging indecision, worry, and any weakness in commitment to your goals. Transformation and opportunities continue to arrive as a result of our sincere efforts and dedication during this time frame.

Meanwhile, warrior Mars, currently stuck in his own frustrating retrograde motion can be easily angered Aries and may be instigating confrontations. The result can be strong, abusive and fighting words. Make the best of this energy by harnessing your frustration and anger to direct toward positive work and healthy physical outlets (e.g. exercise such as walking, running, or other cardio activities), which can alleviate stress while helping you maintain your poised decorum, and be sure to walk away from foolish conflict or dangerous confrontations now!

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“The purpose of life is to obey the hidden command which ensures harmony among all and creates an ever better world. We are not created only to enjoy the world, we are created in order to evolve the cosmos.” 

Maria Montessori

Even worse, Mercury in Scorpio retrograde wants to bring up past hurts and grudges. Between the Aries ram and the Scorpion sting, it is best to plan to lie low and avoid combative and angry people as much as possible now. And remember to not take things personally, no matter how hurtful or precise someone may come across, rather hold your head up as you walk away wiser and stronger in your ability to rise above it all.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomThe Best Activities for a LIBRA NEW MOON

Start an art or decorating project. Light some pink or light blue candles. Plant some seeds, maybe thyme or catnip. Find a new hobby. MAKE A NEW FRIEND. Take a long walk. Pick some flowers and make a bouquet. Send someone flowers. Redecorate a room. Tidy up fast even if you refill your junk drawer! Dance through your day. SING. Take time for mental relaxation. SEARCH YOUTUBE FOR INSPIRATION. Find an online or in-person art gallery to peruse safely. Write or journal something beautiful. Decorate or embellish your notebook, journal, calendar or other items. Try some yoga balancing postures. RIDE A BICYCLE. Eat light. Hydrate more. DETOX A LITTLE. Make some fresh vegetables and fruit salad. TRY A RECIPE WITH ALMONDS, APPLES, STRAWBERRIES, PEACHES, SPINACH OR TOMATOES. Read something encouraging. Watch happy movies or favorite classics. Take a class just for fun. Take time for beauty treatments. Shop for personal beauty supplies and home decor items. Buy some new essential oils, such as bergamot, neroli, jasmine, lavender, cardamom, and clary sage. Listen to beautiful music. Make a lovely new VISION BOARD. Begin a new ritual or routine. Share ideas with friends. CAST A LUCKY SPELL FOR PEACE, LOVE, AND BEAUTY. WISH FOR JOY AND WISDOM. Be more open-minded. Find more creative solutions. Make intentions for all the good things you can create and enjoy in your life right now.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom“The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm, to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore.” 


Cyril Connolly

What to Wish for during the LIBRA NEW MOON

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomAnything related to these LIBRA THEMES is considered favorable now:

RELATIONSHIPS, partners, MARRIAGE, contracts, legal matters, SHARING, interdependence, negotiations, COLLABORATIONS, cooperation, equity, BALANCE, equality, appreciation of opposing viewpoints, counseling, FAIRNESS, RESOLUTION, diplomacy, AFFINITY FOR OTHERS, sociability, balanced thinking, leadership, teamwork, AGREEMENTS, giving and receiving support, JUSTICE, politics, POISE, PEACE, sociability, TACT, civility, grace, POLITENESS, manners, EQUALITY, beauty, fashion, luxury, ART, elegance, refinement, good taste, decorating, ENTERTAINING, beautifying, HARMONY, harmonizing, peace making, and in the physical body: the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom“Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity.” 


Jose Marti

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom


Beware of misapplied or overused Libra energy, which can become negative. Best to avoid the shadow side, which may show up as being scattered, indecisive or flaky. Stay diplomatic without crossing over to becoming too accommodating or overly appeasing, just for the sake of superficial harmony with others.

While it is important to be sensitive to everyone’s feelings, make sure you stay grounded in your current practical reality, which may not be exactly the same as what your heart wants or your mind fears.
Be sure to avoid
Libra’s weaknesses, which may show up as codependence, people pleasing, and inappropriate neediness, which all lead to unhealthy relationships.
Cultivate mindfulness and maintain your balance, grace, poise, and leadership instead.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom“It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” 

Charles Darwin


Libra Moon provides new motivation to raise the standards for our personal development. Whether you want to develop more effective leadership skills, cultivate a more collaborative approach, or learn to step into better discernment and decision making, there is no better time to begin. Start taking action today and follow your heart’s desires!

If you are unsure about what direction to take, or you just need a boost to your clarity and confidence, this is also an exceptional time for personal reflection and development. Think about a coaching consultation to guide you. You can reach out by clicking any of the links here and begin exploring custom coaching options, such as having a personal consultation about improving your relationship with your child, or better cultivating your own unique gifts, talents and strengths, or finding more clarity about your life purpose and direction now!

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” 


Jim Stovall

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

New Moon Intentions and Vision Boards for LIBRA

The new moon is your best opportunity to plant new seeds for what you want to cultivate and attract in your life. Use the energy boost of the new moon within the first few days of the new moon cycle for maximum effectiveness. In honor of the sign of LIBRA, do something artistic and new, like your first vision board! Focus on your highest intentions, and make sure to use words and even images to illustrate what you most want to come into being in your life . .

The new moon is the ideal time to focus and set your purposeful intentions. Whether you write them in words or draw images of your ideas, using your own hand to put something down on paper can be quite powerful. Vision boards are another proven method for establishing what you want to come to fruition–just cut out images and assemble them in your personal collage–used by many famous and highly successful people, like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Beyonce, Tiffany Haddish and many more . . . How about YOU!!

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomNEW MOON ALERT:

Whatever method you use, try to craft your intentions as soon as you can right AFTER the new moon is exact. Ideally, you want to finish writing them within the first day or two. In the USA, this year’s LIBRA NEW MOON is exact Friday, October 16th at 12:31pm Pacific, 3:31pm Eastern Time.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body, and soul measured in tender peaceful moments.” 


Melanie Koulouris

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

How the LIBRA New Moon Affects Your Sign

Each new moon has a different affect on each of us. Depending on your sun sign and rising sign, specific areas of your life can be activated. Look below for what to focus on during this time:

ARIES: partners, business and legal matters

TAURUS: daily schedule, work, service, health and pets

GEMINI: creativity, romance, pleasure & leisure

CANCER: home, family, security and property matters

LEO: communications, siblings and local travel

VIRGO: wealth, values, assets and self-worth

LIBRA: body appearance, attitude & outlook

SCORPIO: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets

SAGITTARIUS: friends, allies, groups, networks and BIG wishes

CAPRICORN: career, public image, honor and social status

AQUARIUS: wisdom, education, belief, travel, sport & luck

PISCES: shared power and assets, credit or debt, sexuality

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomMOON CYCLE:

It takes two weeks for the moon to grow from new to full, then another 14 days to decrease back to the next new moon. So, the lunar cycle is a perfect 28 days. Waxing & waning cycles affect all water, including tides, and emotions.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom“When we create peace, and harmony, and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”


Louise Hay

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomRetrograde (Rx) Report
Lots of retrogrades continue through October and beyond that are worth exploring. Retrogrades mean a look back over what had already occurred before. They encourage us to revisit, reflect, revise and repair matters in those areas that the planet rules. Whatever has happened recently is coming up for review and clarification in our lives, so if it went by too fast the first-time, don’t worry, you can watch the planetary replay soon, so-to-speak!

Certain activities are ill-advised, depending on the nature of the retrograde. Your own individual chart will also play an important role (and this is a great time to find out about any retrograde challenges and advantages within your own natal chart!) Here is the overview, so you can consider how these retrogrades may be affecting you now and in the upcoming weeks and months:

  • Mercury Rx (continues through early November) mixes things up related to tech, travel, and communications,
  • Mars Rx (continues through mid-November) interferes with initiative, drive, action, and passion,
  • Ceres Rx (continues through mid-October) affects health and nutrition,
  • Chiron Rx (continues through mid-December) changes healing,
  • Neptune Rx (continues through late November) influences imagination and creativity, as well as spiritual matters,
  • Uranus Rx (continues into 2021) brings our attention to all the shake ups and surprises we have endured especially from the end of April thru August (and more may come in 2021, but for now there is a kind of reprieve of sorts). Uranus is a slow moving planet that affects whole generations. It also affects your personal mind-body-spirit well-being and how you integrate change in your life. The Uranus retrograde is considered an exceptional time to look at your spiritual development.

Welcome to new and regular readers! The planetary positions offer insight and knowledge. You do not need to study astrology to benefit from the wisdom.

Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you. Please use the information contained in this writing to affirm your inner knowing, simplify your best choices, clarify your thoughts & feelings, and enrich your life experience. To schedule your in-depth astrological consultation and personal coaching, please contact me at:

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“No road is long with good company.”


Turkish Proverb

Thank you for reading! Your thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information.

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