Nurturing and sensitive Cancer brings some much needed, soothing compassion, along with positive opportunities for deep connection this month. Boosted by the new moon, the energy now is decisive, intuitive, and emotive. It’s a great time for nourishment, care, kindness, and healing, especially at home.
Cancer energy is all about getting at foundational and deeply seated issues to address them, so that ultimately we can grow beyond our prior limits to higher standards of secure and vibrant living. We are in the perfect time of year to initiate projects and positive solutions that help us all to mature, develop and improve humanity. And the old adage, “Think Global, Act Local” applies.
The CANCER new moon brings us new energy, which can especially fuel domestic awareness, HOME concerns and FAMILY matters.

Energetically and emotionally, it is the time of the month when most of us have our thoughts and feelings in sync . . and this month is also about working on COMPASSION, CARE, and strengthening close CONNECTIONS. (Scroll all the way to the bottom and find out where this new moon will most affect YOU!)

“People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
This moon cycle brings renewed concern for others and fresh motivation toward making right decisions about your family and life in general. The new energy is clarifying, strong, sensitive, and aware. Prioritize developing greater leadership and decision making in your household and also within your community.
“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.”
Marvin J. Ashton

Cancer rules emotional sensitivity, empathy and compassion. Remember, you can often be of greatest benefit to your family and community by demonstrating kindness and care, while you are navigating any challenges that require attention. Lead with your heart now and take into account other people’s experiences and feelings before grandstanding about your own. The Cancer new moon reminds us that we are all part of the human family, so we must strive to be aware and considerate of one another.

New moons are ideal times for envisioning, planning, and initiating whatever we want to manifest. Answering timely questions is a great method to enhance and expand your aspirations. For even more clarity and inspiration, record your responses. Writing activates a deeper part of our consciousness. The best practice is to keep a journal, which gives you something to look back on and can bring insight.
CANCER NEW MOON questions to ask:
How can I demonstrate more empathy and kindness?
What can I do to improve caring for myself and others?
What could benefit from more nurturing from me now?
What if I recognized my gut instincts more?
How can I better develop my intuitive abilities?
What can I do to demonstrate better leadership in my family and community connections?
Focus on what you most want and start working on it today! The new moon is the best time of the month to plant the seeds.

The next steps of our life, our goals, and dreams, may feel complicated, when we realize all we have been through recently. Both consciously and unconsciously, we have thoughts, feelings, and experiences that have brought us to exactly where we are. And no matter what we have experienced already, being prepared can help us be more ready to make positive changes for a better future.
The main planetary aspect now is the sun uniting with the moon, bringing renewal and new opportunities. Of course, there are many other planets, which contribute complexity as well as some complications. Specifically, Mercury, Chiron, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune are all involved in one way or another in the current cycle. Let’s break it down into what you most need to know.
Ideas come fast, and words can heal, courtesy of clever Mercury in versatile Gemini syncing up with therapeutic Chiron in strong Aries. Be curious and focus on flexibility for the best outcomes now.
Mindset matters may be featured. What you think, say, and believe does affect how things turn out.
Discipline is also boosted. You may find you can stick to your goals a bit better nowadays, thanks to initiating Mars in bold Aries, which is boosting taskmaster Saturn in brilliant Aquarius.
Both the sun and moon square off with lucky Jupiter in some confrontational challenges. It’s time to sort out and reconcile what we personally want from what we are able to provide for our family and loved ones. But loving Venus in smooth-talking Gemini shows up to save the day with a more harmonizing connection to Jupiter, who is currently situated in self aware Aries. So, with some charm and flexibility, we find we can create win-win situations and make the most of the opportunities around us.
Meanwhile, magical Neptune, who is still at home in dreamy Pisces, begins another long retrograde, which means that memories, mysticism, and imagination likely get a re-boot now through the beginning of December. Nostalgia is starred these days. Take some time to remember and preserve happy moments of your life.
Remember: Life becomes easier when we are respecting these natural themes and honoring the divine monthly and seasonal cycles, which also allow us to more fully connect with our deepest desires and actualize our highest ideals.
“For humanity to achieve her most desirable state of being, we must individually realize our common good obligation to humanity.”
Magaji Musa Buba

What is it that you most want? Your intention making is always powerfully enhanced during the new moon phase. It is a great time to envision all you want to become and bring into your life. When you are truly focused, and boosted by this right timing, whatever your heart desires can manifest more easily now. Think about these topics:
FOUNDATIONS, domestic matters, HOME, close family relationships, early childhood conditioning, gut instincts, INTUITION, SAFETY, internal frame of reference, security, FEELING AT HOME WHEREVER YOU ARE, protection, feelings of belonging, COMFORT, financial security, tenacity, growth, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, nourishing, NURTURING, processes, training, teaching, PRACTICING, learning, EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY, caregiving, CARING SKILLS & ABILITIES, NURTURING NEW BEGINNINGS, caretaking, COMPASSION, emotional closeness, intimacy, feelings, VULNERABILITY, changing moods, EMPATHY, sensitivity to other people’s emotional state, awareness of one’s own feelings, kindness, TENDERNESS, awareness of needs, being supportive of others, sustenance, ACCEPTING SUPPORT, nourishment, nutrition, FOOD, parenting, CHILD REARING, mothering, PREGNANCY, motherhood, women’s issues, SISTERHOOD, and in the body: breasts, chest, stomach, womb, and pancreas.

The new moon is the ideal time to set purposeful intentions. Whether you write them in words, use photos, or draw images of your ideas, creating something original that resonates with you is what makes it powerful! Whatever method you use, try to craft your intentions as soon as you can right AFTER the new moon is exact. Ideally, finish writing them within the first day.
The 2022 Cancer New Moon at 7 degrees 23 minutes is exact on Tuesday, June 28th at 7:52 pm Pacific Time and at 10:52 pm Eastern Time.

Each new moon has a different affect on each of us. Depending on your sun sign and rising sign, specific areas of your life may become activated. Look below for more ideas of what to focus on during this time:
ARIES: home, family, security and property matters
TAURUS: communications, siblings and local travel
GEMINI: wealth, values, assets and self-worth
CANCER: body appearance, attitude & outlook
LEO: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets
VIRGO: friends, allies, groups, networks and BIG wishes
LIBRA: career, public image, honor and social status
SCORPIO: wisdom, education, belief, travel, sport & luck
SAGITTARIUS: shared power & assets, credit/debt, sexuality
CAPRICORN: partners, business and legal matters
AQUARIUS: daily schedule, work, service, health and pets
PISCES: creativity, romance, pleasure & leisure

If you are unsure about which direction to take, or you just need a boost to your clarity and confidence, this is also an exceptional time to get serious about who you are and your future direction. You are invited to start here: understanding your sacred soul purpose.
Dear Reader,
The planetary positions offer amazing insight! Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you. Please use the information contained in this writing to affirm your inner knowing, simplify your best choices, clarify your thoughts & feelings, and enrich your life experience. Be sure to stay informed of all moon updates and receive special offers by subscribing. Your support, thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information. Sign up here for my guided meditation for greater success with more ease.
Love and magical blessings to you!
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