With the Moon culminating in the sign of Libra, we are drawn to thoughts about romance, relationships, partnerships of all kinds, compromise, and diplomacy. Meanwhile, the Sun–currently stationed in the opposite and independent-minded sign of Aries–causes tension by holding our collective attention on brash action, especially related to self-interest and the individual self. Though we may long for passion and our own individual wants to be fulfilled, right now what is most needed for everyone’s long-term well-being and harmony is gentleness, tact, and patience.
“To restore harmony into a relationship, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints.
When you focus on the wonderful things and you appreciate those, you will be astounded at how many more things to appreciate suddenly appear in the other person.”
From The Secret
The Libra full Moon energy aspires to be graceful, harmonizing, and cooperative. Yet, the contrast between the Sun’s position and the Moon’s placement can bring about some impulsive actions, fits and starts. So, we can all feel best by remembering to be more understanding, tolerant and patient during this time. And, in honor of air sign Libra influencing this full moon, please pause to BREATHE before rushing into things!
These energies apply to groups as much as they apply to individuals. So, be mindful that we are also talking about the best way to navigate peace and civility within communities***as well as among all nations in the whole world. And at the same time, the idea to “Think global, act local” can take on new meaning and practice, when you start demonstrating renewed poise within your closest relationships and affiliations, including within your own household.

The current pull between the Sun and Moon placement can instigate emotional intensity, impatience, and irritability. Should any sensitive feelings come up, pause to consider other perspectives and find the common ground in awareness of the higher values of harmony and peace. The polarity between the Aries Sun and Libra Moon requires reconciling the amount of attention we devote to partners (as well as to our clients, friends, and neighbors) with our own practical self-care requirements.
As always, full moons bring difficult emotions to a head. While we do our best now to make sure we are all kind and gentle, we may find provocative or shocking outbursts are testing our resolve, which may incite hurt, stress, irritation and angst. Try to not take other people’s behavior personally, but do keep a balanced awareness of other people’s feelings and views.
The full moon does have a collective effect on all of us, but each person may respond somewhat differently to this same planetary aspect. The intensity will be greater or lesser depending on how well aligned you are with your current thoughts and feelings. When you are living in your highest truth, the environment and things that happen around you are not as overwhelming.
“Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete; it’s a sense of harmony. It is essential to maintaining quality in life and work.”
Joshua Osenga
Full moons are ideal times for reflection, celebration, and contemplation about realizing and appreciating what is working in our lives. It is also a good time for identifying whatever is less than desired so that we can release it from our lives going forward. Any practices that inspire assessment and emotional growth are especially powerful at this time of month. Answering timely questions is a great method to accomplish these goals.
LIBRA MOON Questions:
- What are you most grateful for in your life?
- What is harmonious now?
- What within your control is most needing change?
- How can you bring focus to move closer to your desires today?
- What can you release that will allow more balance, joy, and ease to come in?
- How can you most easily remember to maintain mindfulness, poise, grace and leadership in all situations now?
Simply reading the questions can bring inspiration. For even more clarity and growth, consider writing down your responses. Writing activates a deeper part of our consciousness. The best practice is to keep a journal, which gives you something to look back on over time, and you can get all the monthly full moon prompts by signing up here:
DIPLOMACY, kindness, beauty, design or decor projects, and thinking about how to have more peace, grace, and poise (even during difficult times) are themes, which are now featured. Libra loves collaborative, social, and entertaining activities. Consider TALKING WITH FRIENDS and BRAINSTORMING, and even ADVOCATING some new ways to be more kind, cooperative, gentle, and community-minded.

“Self-care is, fundamentally, about bringing balance back to a life that has grown imbalanced from too many commitments or responsibilities.”
Robyn L. Gobin

This particular lunar phase comes with many POWERFUL AND COMPLICATING aspects. These dynamics add intensity. Caution, calm, and patience are advised during this period.
New ideas may arise as the moon forms a beautiful trine aspect with hard-working Saturn still in brilliant Aquarius. However, don’t let your imagination get the better of you or take you down a rat hole of unfounded thoughts or crazy tangents, because this moon is affected by an awkward relationship with the powerhouse planets of imaginative Neptune and exaggerating Jupiter. Stay grounded and above the chaos by being positive, and you can harness this power for your constructive projects including art and creativity.
Stay alert now, as power struggles continue, thanks to a lunar square with ominous Pluto, who is finishing out his long transit in the taskmaster sign of Capricorn. Avoid conflicts during these times by maintaining a diplomatic demeanor, while staying mindful of safe boundaries.
One breath of fresh air will be compassionate initiatives that are coming into awareness over the next month. The action-oriented planet Mars has recently shifted from the sometimes aggressive Aries to the more unifying sign of Pisces. Though Mars in Pisces can mean that any assaults are just more subtle than direct, it also foretells more gentleness and love rising up and ultimately prevailing.
Meanwhile, the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction can bring great blessings and opportunities for those who stay open and positive thinking. Jupiter rewards generosity and happy possibilities. Neptune rules deep thoughts and envisioning. What we see in our mind’s eye can come into being in surprising ways. And while both these planets are together right now in Pisces, they favor all loving, compassionate, spiritual, poetic, and unifying endeavors.
Similarly, there is an excellent opportunity now for meaningful accomplishment and growth. The sun in Aries ruling the self, especially the brain and the body, is collaborating with disciplinarian Saturn in innovative Aquarius to help us follow through on our commitments to our self development goals. You may find it easier to follow through on your plans and garner the resources and support to assist you in achieving what you want.
Mental Mercury in masterful Taurus and lovely Venus also in Pisces can also help you stay focused and dedicated to creating the life you are dreaming about. And Mercury soon teaming up with change maker Uranus means swift results and rewarding surprises will be in store for you, when you stay on track with your highest goals and dreams!
On the one hand, Libra moon is about balanced and harmonious feelings. On the other hand, the shadow side can be wishy-washy, weak, or indecisive. There has never been a more important time to keep your thoughts pure, positive, and empowered.
The 2022 Libra full moon at 26 degrees is exact on Saturday, April 16th at 11:55am Pacific Time and 2:55pm Eastern Time. The Libra Full Moon loves sociability, and teamwork, including giving and receiving support. It is an excellent time to contemplate who you are, and focus on how you can be more gentle, kind, and fair to others. Also consider which ideals you are most dedicated to cultivating through collaborative efforts now.
“Getting in balance is not so much about adopting new strategies to change your behaviors, as it is about realigning yourself in all of your thoughts so as to create a balance between what you desire and how you conduct your life on a daily basis.”
Wayne Dyer
While the full moon does have a collective effect on all of us, each person may respond somewhat differently to this same planetary aspect. The intensity will be greater or lesser depending on how well aligned you have your current thoughts and feelings. When you are living in your highest truth, the environment and things that happen around you are not as overwhelming.
Try to remember that whatever is happening in your life is occurring as part of your journey. Sometimes the details are pleasing and other times the lessons are difficult . .either way, there is always something to be learned. And being prepared as well as aspiring to your best life is the secret to more easily navigating all of it!
The highest intensity of the full moon energy lasts roughly three days before and after the exact date. Yet, the implications can go beyond that initial period and reverberate. The greatest effects occur within the thirty (30) day period. Since there is generally only one full moon in each sign per year, results can last up to six (6) months until the next new moon in the same sign.

You can always add to your reflections, gratitude, and celebrations. Look below to find your sun sign and/or rising sign and find out which areas of your life will most likely be affected by this Libra Full Moon for more inspiration:
ARIES: partners, business, contracts, and legal matters
TAURUS: daily schedule, work, service, health, and pets
GEMINI: creativity, romance, pleasure, leisure, and children
CANCER: home, family, security, and property matters
LEO: communications, siblings, neighbors, and local travel
VIRGO: wealth, values, assets, and self-worth
LIBRA: body appearance, overall outlook, personal attitude
SCORPIO: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets
SAGITTARIUS: friends, allies, groups, & BIG wishes
CAPRICORN: career, public image, honor and social status
AQUARIUS: wisdom, education, expansion, belief, travel
PISCES: shared power and assets, credit/debt, sexuality
The movement of the planets affects everything in life. Understanding the messages from those planetary positions offers great insight and knowledge. You do not need to study astrology to benefit from the wisdom . . .
Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you!
Please use the information contained within this writing to
affirm your inner knowing,
simplify your best choices,
clarify your thoughts and feelings,
calm overwhelm and excessive fear,
and enrich your life experience.
The next new moon arrives in two weeks in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is the first EARTH sign of the zodiac representing foundations. Taurus time of year is extraordinarily powerful for building our practical goals and manifesting real dreams in the material world. Please sign up here for my guided meditation for greater success with more ease and joy!
It takes two weeks for the moon to go from full to new, then another 14 days to increase back to Full Moon. So the lunar cycle is roughly 28 days. This waning and waxing cycle affects all water on earth, including the ocean tides and also corresponds to human feelings, emotions, and intuitive processes.