With the Moon culminating in the intellectually-oriented sign of Aquarius, you may be drawn to explore your feelings about your beliefs, while contrasting those ideas with a hope for a more fun and lighthearted reality. Meanwhile, the Sun stationed in the opposite, energetic sign of Leo, can create tension by holding our collective focus on social interactions and public authority issues. Though we may want to have everyone just happily getting along together, we also need some real thought leadership and new ideas, in order to truly develop our most noble purpose, as we move into the future, together, now.
At its best, the Aquarius energy feels radical, inspiring and thought-provoking, moving us back and forth between being with others and retreating in isolation. Honor how you are feeling and make sure to take time for both engagement and solo reflection.

It continues to be important to reassess outdated ideologies. These pivotal times are deliberately shaking up any misguided or faulty views and are meant to stimulate our collective growth. Humanity is moving forward and ultimately that means an upgrade; so contemplate what matters, and also celebrate all you have accomplished and learned recently, as well as anything you have done to stretch beyond your comfort zone.
Stay centered and consider new ways to leverage fresh insights and diverse ways of being . . this is a time to rethink old ideas about what you actually want and need, while realizing you actually have more access to your desires when you take into account the needs of your community, neighbors, and co-workers.

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”
The pull between the Sun and Moon placements can instigate emotional intensity, impatience, and irritability. Should any touchy feelings come up, stop to consider other people’s perspectives and find the common ground in awareness of the higher values of SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, INNOVATION, and HIGHER-MINDEDNESS. The polarity between the Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon requires negotiating where we focus our energy and attention; we must now hold space for considering new approaches, while we also figure out how to manage and best utilize the creative practices we are already accustomed to.
“A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.”
Antoine St. Exupery
This Full Moon brings illumination and that often appears through any of Aquarius’ preferred subject areas, which include: GROUPS, networks, design, TECHNOLOGY, innovation, INVENTION, friends, ALLIES, neighbors, social affiliations, SOCIAL MEDIA, seeing the future, FORECASTING, astrology, numerology, INDEPENDENCE, freedom, liberation, FANTASY, shocks and SURPRISES, and in the body Aquarius rules the circulatory system and lower legs: shins, calves and the ankles.

The contrast between the Sun and the Moon right now may have you feeling caught off guard by provocation or sudden change. It’s normal to experience a bit of irritation, anxiety, fear, or uncertainty during this week of the full moon. Disruptions in sleep patterns are also common. You can best get through this sensitive time unscathed–and in honor of air sign Aquarius–by generally being more curious. Stay open to dialogue and ask more questions before jumping to conclusions. And especially remember to keep both your wits about you AND your sense of humor close at hand!
Full moons tend to bring difficult emotions to a head. While you may do your best now to make sure you are always kind and charitable, you can find provocative or shocking outbursts could test your resolve, which can incite hurt, stress, irritation and angst. Try to not take other people’s behavior personally, while also staying aware of other people’s feelings and views. Healthy detachment is worth cultivating.
As always, these energies apply to groups of all sizes as much as they apply to you, individually. Be mindful about navigating a balance between living up to your own responsibilities and any inkling you may have about wanting to be free from that duty, restriction, or limitations. The best advice is to be aware of both natural yearnings–within yourself as well as those around you–and then find good ways to meaningfully incorporate the higher-minded ideals into practical action that will best serve all involved.
Of course, while the full moon does have a collective effect on all of us, each person may respond somewhat differently to this same planetary aspect. The intensity will be greater or lesser depending on how well aligned you have your current thoughts and feelings. When you are living in your highest truth, things that happen around you are not as overwhelming!

Full moons are perfect for contemplation and celebration. Self-assessment is especially powerful now, including answering timely questions. For even greater clarity and growth, you’ll want to write down your responses to activate your deeper consciousness. The best practice is to keep a personal journal, so that you can look back on what you were thinking and feeling over time.
- What can you do to stretch beyond the familiar?
Where have you considered new approaches?
What is most needing creativity and innovation now?
How can you gain greater curiosity and openness?
What can you let go to allow more joy and surprises in?
How can you most easily maintain higher-mindedness in all situations you encounter?
Make sure to get all the full moon, journal prompting questions every month! Just sign up, below:

The 2022 Aquarius full Moon is on Thursday, August 11th (exact at 6:36 pm Pacific Time and 9:36 pm Eastern Time).
The Aquarius Full Moon loves technology, groups, and innovative ideas. It is an excellent time to do some online research or study. Also consider connecting with groups and friends through all the latest social media.
The full moon energy lasts about three days before and three days after the exact date and time. The implications, however, reverberate beyond that initial period. Since there is usually only one full moon in each sign each year, some results will occur over the six (6) month window before the next new moon in the same sign.
Just remember that whatever is happening in your life is occurring as part of your journey. Sometimes the details are pleasing and other times the lessons are difficult . .either way, there is always something to be learned. And being prepared is the secret to more easily navigating all of it, on the way to living your best life!

Wow! We have quite a few noteworthy aspects in store, which continue to stimulate transformation and change for everyone. There is a mixed bag of effects that will likely influence the prevailing intellectual approaches and blur them with the rising tide of passionate emotions. Stay grounded with your faith and optimism to come through ahead of what may be volatile energies for some. Forewarned is forearmed.
Lunar & Solar Intensity
The full moon creates a beautiful aspect with asteroid Chiron located in fast Aries, which favors bold therapies that heal. However, this moon also forms some provocative squares, first with instigator Uranus, and then with inciter Mars, both situated in headstrong Taurus. Beware irritations and provocation with this combination. Mindless actions can instigate reactions you did not expect, so stay mindful and careful during this period. Fortunately, disciplined Saturn snuggles up close to this moon and inspires masterful control despite the conflicts brewing.
The glorious sun in charismatic Leo also favors therapeutic Chiron with an enhancing trine formation, while not being so supportive of changemaker Uranus. Like the moon now, the sun is positioned to confront matters related to surprise, change, and stability. Slow down your pacing, and pause before reacting, to come out ahead in moving or any other situations that are in a state of flux.
Powerful Transformation with a Touch of Honey
In her last major move before leaving nurturing Cancer, Venus confronts powerhouse Pluto, who has been in a long-term transit of practical Capricorn. Like it or not, Pluto demands transformation, which is not an easy topic. What is outdated or obsolete will require improvements, and that may come to a head. In this case, Venus brings forth the gentler qualities of compassion and mercy into the equation. Then Venus enters the noble and more jovial sign of Leo to highlight creativity, pleasure, and romantic desires for the next four weeks.
It All Starts with Your BIG DREAM
Meanwhile, mental Mercury in persnickety Virgo is also picking some petty fights with (usually) generous Jupiter in sometimes stubborn Aries. This means your big visions might get rained on by analytical or other critical types, but don’t dismay. Find the confidence to stay connected to your main inspiration without getting drained by what may seem judgmental.
You can stay the course to having your dreams come true, when you look past the current moment and remain committed to your big vision. And spirited Mars really saves the day for you here, as he rushes into sync with magical Neptune. Mars–in masterful Taurus–is encouraging dreamy Neptune–in unifying Pisces–to help you see the metaphorical rainbows appearing all around you as you pursue all your greatest desires. Purposeful actions toward your goals are starred.

You can always add to your reflections, gratitude, and celebrations. Look below to find your sun sign and/or rising sign and find out which areas of your life will be affected for more inspiration.
ARIES: friends, allies, groups, & BIG wishes
TAURUS: career, public image, social status
GEMINI: wisdom, education, belief & travel
CANCER: shared power & assets, credit, sex
LEO: partners, business and legal matters
VIRGO: daily schedule, work, service, health
LIBRA: creativity, romance, pleasure & children
SCORPIO: home, family, security and property matters
SAGITTARIUS: communications & local travel
CAPRICORN: wealth, values, assets and self-worth
AQUARIUS: body appearance, overall outlook and attitude
PISCES: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets
“An invention has to make sense in the world it finishes in, not in the world it started.”
Tim O’Reilly
The lunar cycle is 28 days.
It takes roughly two weeks for the moon to decrease/wane from full to new, then 14 days more to increase/wax back to full, again.
This cycle affects all water on earth, including the ocean tides and also connects to emotions and intuition.

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With love and magical blessings,
Copyright 2022 Joy Strong Wisdom