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Master Your Best Life

The 8-week transformation experience to get you living the life of your dreams now.

For healers, leaders, coaches, creatives, and aspiring souls like you!


with Joy Strong

EPIC Empowerment is your 8-week, intensive, transformation experience to life mastery.

You have probably noticed most everyone is overscheduled and stretched thin these days, which is neither sustainable nor fun.
Joy Strong Wisdom

and you work hard to achieve them. But sometimes it may seem like life is passing you by as you stumble and struggle to keep up. Where does all your time go? Just when you think you can catch up, something else calls, until you start to feel overloaded and stressed.

How will you ever get everything done that you want to do? Where do you find support and inspiration? When was the last time you got a fresh perspective, really took care of YOU, and upgraded your strategies for handling it all, without burning yourself out?

EPIC Empowerment: the 8-week intensive transformation experience

Open to all healers, leaders, coaches, teachers, service providers, creatives, activists, experts, entrepreneurs, and aspiring change makers.

EPIC Empowerment is the 8-week transformation experience that will change your life for the better.

In this intensive immersion, you will master your epic self empowerment on a whole new level. Part private coaching consultations, and part group mastermind experience, this program is a revolutionary hybrid concept. Not only will you get both individual level support and community engagement, this is a one-of-a-kind approach where we will actually customize the entire course structure to your best learning style development.

Through this program, you will gain increased confidence, self assurance, support, and brilliant strategies that are uniquely customized for your success. Expect greater fulfillment with more ease and joy. And together we will craft a plan to help you better navigate how to tackle all of your other projects as well. There will be plenty of feel-good wins for you to celebrate!

The EPIC Empowerment program, includes 8 amazing modules that will teach you how to:


  • ENVISION all your highest hopes and dreams, so that you can easily actualize them,


  • ENERGIZE your efforts with brilliant mindset, values clarification, and motivation mastery,


  • PRIORITIZE your focused intentions to fully align with your values, opportunities, and joy,


  • PROCLAIM your best plans, create strong boundaries, and unabashedly manifest your results,


  • INVESTIGATE your blocks and insecurities to effectively overcome them once and for all,


  • IGNITE your reawakened purpose and rejuvenated passion with exciting new opportunities,


  • CREATE your roadmap for excellence and success on your own terms, and


  • CAPTIVATE everyone around you by assuredly claiming your power, expressing your truth, and connecting with the resources and support you need as you live the life of your dreams.


EPIC Empowerment means you can live your best life right now with more ease and joy!

Take care of who you really are and the rest of your life will elegantly fall into place.

EPIC Empowerment is a rich journey complete with private coaching to help you discover your highest wisdom and soul's yearning.

You may think you already know all there is to know about yourself, but we humans are complex, evolving and dynamic beings. You must grow and change to stay vibrant and alive. And learning more about your innermost workings will unlock riches beyond all your imaginings!

It will be fun to explore all that would make you most happy, delighted, and fulfilled! 

My gift is helping people like you to be more empowered, make better decisions, find greater meaning, and achieve success with more ease, grace, and joy in your life, right now.

I am especially skilled at stimulating and inspiring your most magnificent, BIG wishes, while crafting the practical, down-to-earth applications needed to make them come true. My integrated approach provides affirmation, motivation, and encouragement that inspires my clients to live richer lives.

As a master’s level, certified life coach, I am adept at providing problem-solving and guidance to help you proactively plan and achieve your highest goals and values. I also have expertise in crisis management and trauma recovery. The true spirit of my work is to reawaken in those who have lost their momentum, the hope that things can be better, the faith that the world can be a wonderful place, and the willingness to step up and stand up to do what needs to be done to get on track moving toward your hopes and dreams.

Let me redirect your focus from any suffering or setbacks you have experienced to the renewed possibility of greater joy and fulfillment for you now. And if you are already enjoying a wonderful existence, we can easily help you soar even higher than ever before!

We will reframe whatever you are facing with fresh perspectives, as well as through the lens of your soul’s journey to discover the deeper meanings and messages for you. We will illuminate the subtle differences that can open the way to your greatest wisdom and clarity, so that you are restored and ready to dive into the adventure of claiming all you desire, and fully committing to your higher-minded purpose. It would be my honor to support you to live the life you imagine. I am looking forward to connecting with you!

With love,


Joy Strong WisdomYour EPIC Empowerment program includes:

  • Eight (8) comprehensive EPIC modules  (Value $4,000),


  • Four (4) individual, private 1:1 coaching calls  (Value $3,200),


  • Eight (8) teaching and demonstration sessions  (Value $800),


  • Four (4) hot seats/laser coaching calls  (Value $400),


  • Four (4) community circle calls  (Value $400),


  • Weekly email accountability,


  • Welcome package with customized EPIC Empowerment Workbook,


  • and more!!

    Your investment $1,997              (Total Value over $8,800)

EPIC Empowerment: The journey begins June 14th


What if…

  • You could discover, explore, and fully become your best self?

  • You could create your most beautiful, sacred, authentic, and satisfying life?

  • You could realign with your power, authenticity, and true value better?

  • You knew and trusted your gifts, purpose, and unique superpowers?

  • You could live your life totally aligned with your values and strengths?

  • You could count on the right opportunities showing up more easily?

  • You could have custom strategies that created unshakeable confidence and success?

  • You could easily stay focused on your best path?

  • You could have the support, guidance, and encouragement to truly soar?

The EPIC Empowerment experience is your ticket to leadership excellence for healers, leaders, coaches, and other creative and aspiring souls.

And you will also learn about how to pinpoint right timing to optimize your opportunities and improve your results!

As featured in:


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