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Create the Life of Your Dreams: Wisdom from the Full Moon in Virgo 2021

Full Moon Virgo March

The picky and precise Full Moon in Virgo may create tension by bringing an emotional emphasis to work, service and health matters now. This Full Moon energy is dutiful, service-minded, practical, detail-oriented and focused. Meanwhile, with the Sun in the opposite sign of Pisces, our collective mental attention is on unity, compassion, soulful and spiritual matters.
The contrast between the Sun’s position and the Moon’s placement can instigate emotional intensity, impatience, irritation and even moodiness. Should any sensitive feelings come up, pause to consider other perspectives and find the common ground in awareness of HIGHER SERVICE and COMPASSION TOWARD OTHERS. The polarity between the Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon now requires reconciling our hopes and dreams with our practical duties and chores.
Joy Strong Leo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Where there is unity there is always victory.”                     

Publilius Syrus

While the Sun is in Pisces, our collective attention is on unity, coming together, compassion, and spiritual connection. However, the moon peaking in Virgo brings a focus on task details to what would otherwise be an imaginative time of year. This season is about finding the balance between dreamy emotions and practical duties, so that we further our dreams by applying ourselves to doing the work needed.

WORK, service, business projects, and achieving practical goals are featured, including TAKING ACTION to finish up loose ends, as well as to get yourself organized for greater efficiency and effectiveness going forward. (Be sure to scroll to the bottom to find out what exactly this means for your sign!)

Virgo Full Moon March

It may be necessary to find a new way to balance your beautiful dreams with your dutiful obligations now. Plan some time to rest, rejuvenate, contemplate, and also celebrate all you have accomplished and learned over the past month.

Full Moon Virgo March 2020

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”


Fortunately, intellectual Mercury recently stopped its challenging retrograde and resumed apparent direct motion. So, our mental processing and communications will continue to improve as the moon begins to wane. If possible, continue to hold off on making any major decisions until after March 13th with the next new moon, when the fogginess has totally cleared . . . this is a good time to press pause, relax, reflect, and contemplate what you most wish for . . .
“I spent a lifetime in a garden one afternoon.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough


Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Questions to Ask Yourself:

March Full Moon Virgo

  • What are my most dedicated and dutiful qualities?
  • How can I demonstrate more kindness in my life?
  • What am I doing that needs greater care and attention?
  • How can I be more compassionate and loving toward others now?
  • What could use more precision and focus from me?
  • What do I need to release over the upcoming two weeks?

Simply reading the questions can bring inspiration. For even more clarity and growth, consider writing down your responses. Writing activates a deeper part of our consciousness. For greatest benefit and personal mastery over time, keep a journal, which gives you something to look back on. 


“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”

Jesse Owens

Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Full Moon energy is always good for appreciating and celebrating what you have been working toward. In the sign of Virgo, it is especially about focusing on your physical HEALTH, getting ORGANIZED, prioritizing SERVICE and WORK, taking care of PETS and LOVED ONES, and achieving PRACTICAL RESULTS. Take inventory of your life in these areas now, so that when the next new moon arrives, you will be ready to take purposeful action toward your new goals.


“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.”


Les Brown

Virgo Full Moon brings illumination to health and hygiene matters. As the world struggles to manage a pandemic, this may be more important than ever. So use this time to clean up your home and personal habits for the betterment of all, and remember to wear a mask and wash your hands!

“Rules governing defecation, hygiene, and pollution exist in every culture at every period in history. It may in fact be the foundation of civilization: What is toilet training if not the first attempt to turn a child into an acceptable member of society?” 

Rose George

Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Joy Strong Wisdom new moon in Aries

Virgo energy is excellent for focusing on serious matters. Hard-working and earnest, the mood helps us make better decisions about important work and service. Whether volunteer or paid, the act of following through on responsibilities is key to having a fulfilling life.

”Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.”

Vince Lombardi

Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Joy Strong Leo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

The Planetary Aspects

This lunar phase comes in strong with powerful change and surprise. This big boost of energy is thanks to a harmonious trine between the moon and catalyzing Uranus. Because the sign of Taurus is involved, expect shifts in wealth and stability to be hot topics during this time.
Passion and desires are also featured. Venus conspiring with the Pisces Sun competes for attention with the moon. With this opposition, we may experience some push-and-pull before we are able to fully realize and express our wants and needs.
Meanwhile, there are also themes of healing, discipline and duty, communications, opportunities, and blessings all come to light. The moon forms several instigating quincunx aspects (with therapeutic Chiron, dedicated Saturn, mental Mercury, and lucky Jupiter). With the asteroid Chiron in passionate Aries, and all three of the planets in rebellious Aquarius, unconventional methods, innovations, and radical twists are likely to be prominent now.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Maria Robinson

Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Joy Strong Leo Full Moon Astrology WisdomFull moons can also bring difficult emotions to a head. While we do our best to make sure we are all dedicated and positive, we may find emotional outbursts and sensitivity popping up, that can create overwhelm, stress, frustration, irritability, or confusion. Try to not take other people’s behavior personally, instead be more kind and charismatic and hold space for everyone’s feelings and ideas.

 “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”

The 14th Dalai Lama

Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

 Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom 

While the full moon does have a collective effect on all of us, each person may respond differently to this same aspect. The intensity will be greater or lesser depending on how well aligned you have your current thoughts and feelings. When you are living in your highest truth, the environment and things that happen around you are not as overwhelming.

This Virgo Full Moon is on Saturday, February 27th (exact at 12:17am Pacific Time, 3:17am Eastern Time). The Virgo Full Moon loves service-minded, detail-oriented, and productive activities, including study and analysis. It is an excellent time to contemplate who you are, focus on how you can serve others, and consider what you are most dedicated to in your life.

The highest intensity of the Full Moon energy lasts roughly three days before and after the exact date. The implications, however, go beyond that initial period. The greatest results tend to occur within the thirty (30) day period following the Full Moon. Since there are generally only one new and one full moon in each sign per year, the effects can last up to six (6) months. 


Try to remember that whatever is happening in your life is occurring as part of your journey. Sometimes the details are pleasing and other times the lessons are difficult . .either way, there is always something to be learned. And being prepared as well as aspiring to your best life is the secret to more easily navigating all of it!

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.”



Joy Strong Virgo Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Virgo Full Moon and Your Sign

You can always add to your reflections, gratitude, and celebrations.

Look below to find your sun sign and/or rising sign to see which areas of your life will most likely be affected by Virgo Full Moon:

ARIES: daily schedule, work, service, health and pets

TAURUS: creativity, romance, pleasure, leisure and children

GEMINI: home, family, security and property matters

CANCER: communications, siblings and local travel

LEO: wealth, values, assets and self-worth Blessings to you!

VIRGO: body appearance, overall outlook and personal attitude

LIBRA: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets

SCORPIO: friends, allies, groups, networks and BIG wishes

SAGITTARIUS: career, public image, honor and social status

CAPRICORN: wisdom, education, expansion, belief, travel and sport

AQUARIUS: shared power and assets, credit or debt, sexuality

PISCES: partners, business and legal matters


Joy Strong Moon Astrology WisdomThe movement of the planets affects everything in life. Understanding the messages from those planetary positions offers great insight and knowledge. You do not need to study astrology to benefit from the wisdom . . .


Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you.

Please use the information contained within this writing to

  • affirm your inner knowing,

  • simplify your best choices,

  • clarify your thoughts and feelings,

  • and enrich your life experience.


The next new moon arrives in two weeks in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the third WATER sign of the zodiac representing new emotions. Pisces season is extraordinarily powerful for setting intentions and creating vision boards to bring your dreams to life. Please sign up below for my newsletter to keep you informed of important dates to pay attention to for setting and achieving goals as well as manifesting your greatest heart’s desires!

Joy Strong Wisdom new moon in Aries


*Retrograde Update: While we have a bit of a respite from retrogrades for a couple of months, if you do not yet know where the retrogrades are in your birth chart and how they affect you, this is a good time to investigate. And as always, if you are planning any major events, be sure to consult with a reputable, professional astrologer for a customized forecast planning dates! Please sign up here for my guided meditation for greater success with more ease and joy.

It takes two weeks for the moon to go from full to new, then another 14 days to increase back to Full Moon. So the lunar cycle is 28 days. This waning and waxing cycle affects all water on earth, including the ocean tides and also corresponds to human feelings, emotions, and intuitive processes.

Stay informed of all moon updates and receive special offers, just sign up for my monthly blog posts here.

Thank you for reading! Your thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information. Copyright 2020


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