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Celebrating Home and Family:
The Full Moon in Cancer

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

With the Moon culminating in the sensitive sign of Cancer, we are faced with strong feelings about home and family matters. Meanwhile, we are still collectively exploring our practical ideals about how to accomplish our goals, courtesy of the Sun stationed in the opposite and more ambitious sign of Capricorn. This current contrast serves to highlight how important it is to balance our family and personal needs with our worldly responsibilities.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.”


Pierce Brown

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

While the Sun is in Capricorn, our collective attention is structures, work traditions, and established organizations. However, the Moon peaking in Cancer brings emotional pressure along with nostalgia to what could otherwise be a productive time of year. This season is about navigating between nurturing care, compassionate attention, nostalgic memories, and mindful accomplishment.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology WisdomAt its best, the Cancer energy is decisive, thoughtful, and kind which encourages us to act lovingly. However, the contrast between the Sun’s position and the Moon’s placement can have us caught off guard by our emotions, especially guilt, regret, overwhelm, sensitivity, and fatigue causing us to feel vulnerable and exposed. We can best navigate this time in honor of water sign Cancer by soothing our energy with gentle care and comfort for ourselves and others.
The Cancer full moon energy can range from wistful to raw. Emotions may be touchy or temperamental. Should any negative feelings come up, this is a great time to have a glass of water or cup of tea to regroup–or even better take a restorative bath or shower–then come back once you are ready to calmly consider the situation at hand.

As always, these energies apply to groups of all sizes as much as they apply to individuals. So, stay mindful about keeping the peace while you process any uncomfortable feelings that arise. The best advice is not about watering down your approach or your feelings but rather, contemplate how you can accomplish practical objectives while still paying attention to the mood of your home life.

We must make progress toward our most important projects while we also figure out how to devote attention to personal care matters. Find the common ground in awareness of the higher values of MINDFULNESS, EFFECTIVE DECISION-MAKING, and LEADERSHIP. The polarity between the Capricorn Sun and Cancer Moon requires negotiating how we all hold our energy and emotions now. 

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”


Maya Angelou

Wondering what the full moon means for you? Simply put, it is the monthly opportunity to reconcile your thoughts and feelings . .

Realize any difficult emotions, then lean into your highest awareness to find new ways to create beautiful and harmonious solutions and acceptance now.

Full moons are ideal times for reflection, celebration and contemplation about realizing and appreciating what is working in our lives. It is also a good time for identifying anything that is less than desired to simply release and let go . . do this over the next couple of weeks during the waning moon cycle for best results. Any practices that inspire self assessment and emotional growth are especially powerful, and answering timely questions is a great way to achieve these goals.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology WisdomQuestions for CANCER FULL MOON:

  • How can I demonstrate greater appreciation for those closest?
  • Where am I being too shy or hesitant?
  • What is most needing more care now?
  • What am I celebrating at this time?
  • How can I strengthen my connections?
  • Where will I bring more patience, kindness and decisiveness forward?

    Simply reading the questions can bring inspiration. For even more clarity and growth, consider writing down your responses. Writing activates a deeper part of our consciousness. For greatest benefit and personal mastery over time, keep a journal, which gives you something to look back on.

    Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

    What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” 

    Mother Teresa

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology WisdomCancer moon energy is always a good time for connecting with those who are like family to us. It is also an especially good time for reminiscing, looking through old photos, or making a scrapbook to remember positive life events.

This Full Moon brings illumination, which often appears through any of the preferred subject areas of Cancer, including: FOUNDATIONS, domestic matters, HOME, close family relationships, early childhood conditioning, gut instincts, INTUITION, SAFETY, internal frame of reference, security, FEELING AT HOME WHEREVER YOU ARE, protection, feelings of belonging, COMFORT, financial security, tenacity, growth, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, nourishing, NURTURING, processes, training, teaching, PRACTICING, learning, EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY, caregiving, CARING SKILLS & ABILITIES, NURTURING NEW BEGINNINGS, caretaking, COMPASSION, emotional closeness, intimacy, feelings, VULNERABILITY, changing moods, EMPATHY, sensitivity to other people’s emotional state, awareness of one’s own feelings, kindness, TENDERNESS, awareness of needs, being supportive of others, sustenance, ACCEPTING SUPPORT, nourishment, nutrition, FOOD, parenting, CHILD REARING, mothering, PREGNANCY, motherhood, women’s issues, SISTERHOOD, and in the body: breasts, chest, stomach, womb, and pancreas.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” 


Jane Howard

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology WisdomCancer energy is excellent for taking care of whatever needs tending to. When you look back over how you have spent your days over this past year, which interestingly enough also began with a full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer, you may realize home life and personal needs have taken more prominent roles now. Despite all we have experienced–including what has been very difficult times for many, please remember to do your best to take care of YOU, too!

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

But when we focus on others, our world expands.  Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection – or compassionate action.”

Daniel Goleman



Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Thank goodness this lunar phase completes the cycle that began at the beginning of 2020 with the first full moon in Cancer starting out the year with an intense and provocative lunar eclipse. While 2021 does have a few surprises in store, things look to be more within our usual realm of expectations than this past year has been. Getting back to some version of normal life in a new and improved way is certainly possible.
Fast healing, shake ups, and surprises are in store during the days and weeks of this full moon. These aspects are not likely as intense or shocking as what has already occurred in 2020, still these are the themes at play. With Chiron in Aries involved, be careful of impulsivity which can lead to accidents, and with Uranus in Taurus there may be a financial or other price to consider during this period.

The big story is one of hazy, fantasy where you may easily get lost in the clouds. Be advised that flirtatious Venus in adventure-seeking Sagittarius is instigating dreamy Neptune already floating away in otherworldly Pisces. The bottomline: this euphoric and ecstatic energy can be wonderful for artists, lovers, and dreamers . . . but also find ways to stay grounded to the real world in which you reside.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

“There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits.” 


Robert Southey

As always, full moons bring difficult emotions to a head. While we do our best to make sure we are all dedicated and positive, we may find emotional outbursts and sensitivity popping up, which may incite overwhelm, stress, frustration, irritability, and confusion. Try to not take other people’s behavior personally, instead hold space for everyone’s feelings and ideas.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Humanity’s collective mission in the cosmos lies in the practice of compassion.” 


Dalsaku Ikeda

While the full moon does have a collective effect on all of us, each person may respond somewhat differently to this same planetary aspect. The intensity will be greater or lesser depending on how well aligned you have your current thoughts and feelings. When you are living in your highest truth, the environment and things that happen around you are not as overwhelming.

The final 2020 Cancer full Moon is on Tuesday, December 29th (exact at 7:28pm Pacific Time, and 10:28pm Eastern Time). 

Try to remember that whatever is happening in your life is occurring as part of your life’s journey. Sometimes the details are pleasing and other times the lessons are difficult, but either way, there is always something to be learned. And being prepared as well as aspiring to your best life is the secret to more easily navigating all of it!

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom“Let our hearts be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path.” 


Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology WisdomThe highest intensity of the full moon energy lasts roughly three days before and after the exact date. But the implications go beyond that initial period and reverberate. The greatest effects tend to occur within the thirty (30) day period. Since there is generally only one full moon in each sign per year, the results can last up to six (6) months until the next new moon in the same sign.

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

You can always add to your reflections, gratitude, and celebrations. Look below to find your sun sign and/or rising sign and find out which areas of your life will most likely be affected by this Cancer Full Moon for more inspiration:

ARIES: home, family, security and property matters

TAURUS: communications & local travel

GEMINI: wealth, values, assets and self-worth

CANCER: body appearance, overall outlook and attitude

LEO: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets

VIRGO: friends, allies, groups, & BIG wishes

LIBRA: career, public image, social status

SCORPIO: wisdom, education, belief & travel

SAGITTARIUS: shared power & assets, credit, sex

CAPRICORN: partners, business and legal matters

AQUARIUS: daily schedule, work, service, health

PISCES: creativity, romance, pleasure & children

Joy Strong Aries Full Moon Astrology WisdomThe movement of the planets affects everything in life. Understanding the messages from those planetary positions offers great insight and knowledge. You do not need to study astrology to benefit from the wisdom . . .

Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you!

Joy Strong Aries Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Please use the information contained within this writing to

  • affirm your inner knowing,
  • simplify your best choices,
  • clarify your thoughts and feelings,
  • calm overwhelm and excessive fear,
  • and enrich your life experience.

The next new moon arrives in two weeks in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is the third EARTH sign of the zodiac representing attainment. Capricorn time of year is powerful for ambitious accomplishments. Please sign up here for my newsletter to keep you informed of important dates to pay attention to for setting and achieving goals as well as creating your greatest heart’s desires!

Joy Strong Cancer Full Moon Astrology Wisdom

Retrograde Report: The end of this year has Uranus in retrograde motion. Its corresponding themes are sudden change and surprises, which continues to be up for review, revision and refinement into 2021.  

It takes two weeks for the moon to go from full to new, then another 14 days to increase back to Full Moon. So the lunar cycle is 28 days. This waning and waxing cycle affects all water on earth, including the ocean tides and also corresponds to human feelings, emotions, and intuitive processes.

Stay informed of all moon updates and receive special offers, just sign up for my monthly blog posts here.

Thank you for reading! Your thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information. Copyright 2020


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