Recognizing Noble Purpose: The Full Moon in Aquarius 2022
It continues to be important to reassess outdated ideologies. These pivotal times are deliberately shaking up any misguided or faulty views and are meant to stimulate our collective growth. Humanity is moving forward and ultimately that means an upgrade; so contemplate what matters, and also celebrate all you have accomplished and learned recently, as well as anything you have done to stretch beyond your comfort zone.
Home, Compassion & Connections: The Wisdom of the New Moon in CANCER 2022
Cancer energy is all about getting at deeply seated issues and fears to address them, and ultimately growing beyond your prior limitations to higher standards of secure and vibrant living. We are in the perfect time of year to start new projects and initiate positive solutions that help us all to mature, develop and heal humanity.
Championing What Is Right: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022
Sagittarius moon energy is always a great time for personal expansion, which can come through exploring new ideas, speaking to people from abroad, reading philosophical and theoretical perspectives, spending time in nature, and connecting to your own purpose and faith through prayer or independent spiritual practice. Keep reading for all the details of what to expect and how to best utilize the energies.
Connection, Ideas & Technology: The Wisdom of the New Moon in GEMINI 2022
The GEMINI new moon now brings us new energy, which can fuel clever new strategies for TECHNOLOGY as well as for our COMMUNICATIONS in general. Energetically and emotionally, it is the time of the month when our thoughts and feelings are most in harmony . . and this month is also about working on FAMILY, NEIGHBORHOOD, and SOCIAL CONNECTIONS . . .
Strong and Sensitive – Wisdom from the Full Moon in Scorpio 2022
The current pull between the Sun and Moon placement can instigate emotional intensity, impatience, and irritability. Should any sensitive feelings come up, stop to consider other perspectives and find the common ground in awareness of the higher values of INTEGRITY, STRENGTH, and PURPOSE.The polarity between the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon requires negotiating where we focus our energy; and we must have room for both our exploration of abstract feelings as well as accomplishment of our practical tasks now.
Stay Focused and Win: Timeless Wisdom from the Taurus New Moon 2022
SET YOUR PRIORITIES. Review your budget. Write a personal mission statement. TAURUS new moon brings us beautiful new energy, which can inspire feelings of determination, discipline and focus. Taurus reminds us that we can have our heart’s desires and we are capable of creating what we most want, when we are dedicated to putting in the sincere effort that is required. We are in the perfect time of year to work hard and reap the honest rewards.
Seeking Harmony and Balance – Wisdom from the Full Moon in Libra 2022
The current pull between the Sun and Moon placement can instigate emotional intensity, impatience, and irritability. Should any sensitive feelings come up, pause to consider other perspectives and find the common ground in awareness of the higher values of harmony and peace.The polarity between the Aries Sun and Libra Moon requires reconciling the amount of attention we devote to partners (as well as clients) with our own practical self-care needs and wishes now.
Bravely Moving Forward: The Wisdom of the New Moon in ARIES 2022
The moon in Aries energy brings motivation, stimulation, and vitality. this new energy is clear, fresh and exciting. No more excuses, this is a time to take purposeful action. Get your priorities in order, and begin now.
Aries rules independence, courage and exploration: Be bold and decisive about your highest values and wishes. Take personal responsibility for your life and pay attention to new possibilities. The only person who can create your best life and follow your heart’s desires is YOU. Read more to find out what to wish for during this ARIES new moon.
Create the Life of Your Dreams: Wisdom from the Full Moon in Virgo 2022
The polarity between the Pisces Sun and Virgo Full Moon now requires reconciling our hopes and dreams with our practical duties and chores. It is an excellent time to contemplate who you are, focus on how you can serve others, and consider what you are most dedicated to in your life now.
Dream a BIG Dream: Wisdom from the New Moon in Pisces 2022
Pisces is all about love, unconditional, higher-minded, LOVE, with a capital “L”. The time is right for acceptance, tolerance and acknowledging oneness with all beings. Practice understanding. Embody compassion. Give blessings of forgiveness and you can go far.